It’s the people, stupid!

Why are we here

We believe that people are the most valuable asset of an organisation. They ARE the organisation. Many employees working within todays companies and institutions have underdeveloped, unnoticed or unused qualities they are not able to materialise in the current setting.

Therefore, both individuals as well as organisations are not rising to their full potential. Which – in itself already pitiful – is leading to negative impact on output ratios, employee retention rates and attraction of new talent. We believe that:

  • → There is no limit to human ingenuity, creativity and inventiveness. 10X holds a much broader view on human talent than the current one popular in mainstream education and dominant in large organisations which has an extreme focus on rational and academic abilities
  • → All people are equal and should get an equal opportunity to maximise their potential regardless of sex, wealth, background, education, gender, race or any other preference or difference
  • → People are important as individuals but even more as members of a team. Truly great things can only happen when people start working together. It is what makes us human
  • → Ideas are great but without a proper framework, these ideas remain ideas. It was not the idea that landed humans on the moon. Nor was it one person that did the job. It was the joint effort of a group of people with various skills working systematically towards the desired end result
  • → Technology has reached an enabling level in which it can actually help to (self) organise people to maximise their potential, find suitable team members and realise groundbreaking new endeavours People create innovation, technology is the enabler

The 10X Biosphere methodology holds a unique approach in selecting and qualifying individuals and their ideas from both the current organisation as well as from the broader ecosystem. Empowered by new technology on selection and qualification and facilitated by digital engagement and collaboration tooling, people and ideas are selected, qualified, ranked, peer-validated and upscaled to concrete concepts. Which can subsequently enter the Biosphere to scale to new (business) models.

Our Crew

Having seen, lived, organised, failed and succeeded every activity within the digital and innovation space you can imagine, the 10X team has developed a radical new innovation methodology aimed at delivering true and lasting results. Centered around the 10X Biosphere, a methodology emerged from all the lessons learned from every thinkable innovation effort over the past decades. In a way, it combines  multiple methodologies into a radical new way of innovation. Disruptive. But all with the unique 10X people-centered approach of doing things differently. From the true belief that all innovation starts with human ingenuity in an environment where talents can flourish freely. Enabled by technology, self organised and self steered, focussed on doing things differently but with lasting impact and result.

Johan Schaap
Program & Operations
Peter Kaas
Technology & Ventures
Lucien Burm
Strategy & Startups
Arjan Brienen
Investments & Finance
Jasper Verbeek
Innovation & Sustainability